
Friday, August 29, 2014

Staying Busy

Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten just how busy going back to school was!  My kids went back last Monday so they're finishing up their second week today.  We've had Open House, karate lessons, Back to School lunch for the school staff, PTO meetings, doctor's appointments, volleyball games, football games...

But they are loving their new teachers and have lots of friends in their classes and come home everyday telling me something they've learned or a teacher said and it makes my heart happy.  :)

Here's their first day pics for you:

I've found a little time for sewing this week and made myself a new top, testing another new pattern for Jenny.  She's tweaking the sizing as I found it a little too big, but the pattern is great.  It's a split-neck raglan top.  Think peasant top for women without elastic in the neckline or arms.  I'm going to make some adjustments to the sizing on my top and hope to show it off Monday.

What are you up to on this long holiday weekend?  Gearing up for fall?  Celebrating the last bits of summer?  We'll be watching tons of football and spending time with some dear friends that are coming to visit.


  1. Oh my goodness they are too cute! And I love Emma's outfit. I need that shirt! My plans for the weekend involve pulling up the grody purple carpet in the boys' room and hoping the hardwood below is in good shape. Should be super fun! Hope yours is more exciting!!

  2. Holy cow, did Emma grow a foot over the summer, or what!?!? Wow.
    School starts tomorrow for us. 3rd and 1st grade. Where did the time go?

  3. Oh How cute!!! I will definitely make pics of the boys when they go to school!

  4. Excuse me, but your kids are GROWING UP! wow. Take care during these busy transition times!


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